This is a guest blog from our member and past president Stacy Cain. Stacy won first place in the district speech contest. Congratulations Stacy!
While I was not planning on attending the Fall District Conference, I ended up having a great time. I wanted to compete in the evaluation contest to push myself out of my comfort zone, contests make me super nervous, but I did not believe I would make it all the way to the District level. As soon as I found out I won the Division level I knew I had to go to the conference to compete.
The evaluation contest was held on Friday night and after leaving town late we arrived about 1 hour before the contest started. I was feeling very frazzled as I ate my dinner and decided I needed some quite time. I went to the room, which I was sharing with Kerry Mobley and Amber Marsh – other story, and prayed for peace and the correct words to say. I went to the contest feeling great and apparently it worked because I walked away with first place….woo hoo!!!
The speakers/presenters were all great. One speaker was a past World Champion of Public Speaking, David Brooks, he talked about writing your speech, presenting to an audience (even unfriendly audiences) and how to be engaging. I have notes and will be giving a speech over it. ☺
The food was good, entertainment was entertaining and the slumber party was a lot of fun. It is always interesting to share a room with two other grown women. ☺
It is nice to meet Toastmasters from other areas and to pick their brains on what they do in their clubs.
I really encourage everyone to attend at least one Toastmasters conference….the Fall 2015 conference will be in Ruidoso…………..